Assessment Policy
Assessment Policy
To create a prosperous future for the children,
we will develop a global vision and ability with the children.
We will keep challenging to contribute to the enhancement and development of
global education that will become the source of a bright future.
Aloha International Preschool(以下、本校)は、Kindergarten幼稚部コースにおいて、当校の教育理念に基づき子供たちの豊かな未来の実現のため、本校の教育プログラムに併せ、国際バカロレア機構(IB)の提唱するフレームワーク(教育の枠組み)を取り入れ、国際教育の実践に努めています。
Aloha International Preschool (hereafter referred to as “the school”) strives to implement international education by incorporating the framework proposed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) in our school’s educational program for the Kindergarten course to create a prosperous future for children based on the school’s educational philosophy.
Assessments help teachers and parents develop a shared understanding of the school’s goals, practices, and children’s growth.
In order to enrich and improve children’s learning, we believe it is essential to reflect on the learning process as they proceed and check by evaluating whether the teaching methods are guiding children correctly toward the learning objectives and goal settings. Evaluations are not for ranking individual children or assessing them for higher education but are valid for identifying children’s stages of learning and improving their study.
At our school, students and teachers will participate in and conduct continuous and systematic assessments for the learning process and achievement. This assessment attempts to clarify the following points based on the development stage of each child.
・What the children are interested in?
・What do the children know, understand, acquire, and feel?
・At what stage of development are the children?
・What kind of environment settings and guidance are effective for children?
適切な評価を行い、それをフィードバック、フィードフォワードすることによって、次のような効果を期待することができます。Conducting appropriate evaluations and providing feedback and feed-forward is expected to lead to the following benefits.
It makes students can ensure their learning. It could also clarify the path of their next step and motivate students to acquire deep and extensive study.
The teachers can reflect on the learning environment and the effectiveness of their lessons based on the student’s evaluations to provide a more thoughtful instructional system.
By acknowledging their child’s development, parents can deepen their understanding of their child’s growth and share the joy of it, and gain the opportunity to provide further support for their child.
As described above, the assessment program is to build and aim for sustainable improvement throughout the educational program by the entire school community consisting of children, teachers, and parents.
The assessment conducts in the following two-time series, each with its significance.
Formative assessment is an evaluation method used to confirm how much the students have understood the content throughout the lesson. This will enable the students to acknowledge their level of understanding by checking what they know and how well they understand what has been covered in class.
Formative assessments and instructions are directly linked and enable teachers to adjust the course of their lessons depending on the student’s level of understanding. This also helps the students to self-evaluate and reflect on how their study is progressing and to clarify what they aim to learn and what the goal of their understanding is. They will also engage in student-to-student evaluation, sharing each other’s ideas and work. This leads towards motivating them for their next step of learning, increasing the knowledge and understanding of students. The students begin to develop and recognize their self-evaluating skills by repeating this review process.
Summative assessment is an assessment method used to confirm the outcomes of the student’s learning. This is the final phase of teaching and learning that allows multiple elements to be assessed simultaneously to clarify what the students have learned and developed while evaluating their level of achievement. This method enables the students to see the results and outcomes of their efforts and have the teachers gain information on the areas needing improvement for their next educational activity. Summative evaluation can also increase understanding of the central idea and encourage children to take action.
Teachers will record and assess information related to the student’s learning and performance in various ways. This includes student conversations/comments, written and graphic descriptions, videos, and images when available.
【観察】 Observation
The teacher observes regularly and when appropriate with a varying focus, such as observations for the whole classroom or group, close-up observation with one child or one activity, non-participatory observation conducted with third-party perspectives, and participatory observations observed from the inside.
【プロセス重視の評価】Process Oriented Assessment
Observations will be made on all students regularly. The content will be analyzed from diversified perspectives to derive accurate results.
【パフォーマンス評価】Performance Assessment
This evaluates tasks or problems with a purpose adapted to the assessment criteria. The teacher gives the students an essential goal or task and observes how they solve it. There are many ways to approach the problems in these assignments. Reaching a goal in a group discussion requires diverse ideas and multiple skills. Many audio, video, recordings, and images are used for this assessment.
【オープンエンド型の課題】 Open-end Type Assignment
教師は、子ども達へ1つの解答とならない質問や励まし、語りかけなど、何らかの刺激を与えて、子ども達ならではの意見を求めます。 当校では、ジャーナルプログラムを通し子どもたちが短い口述、記述、描いた図画を通し自分の考えや解決方法を表現する際に、教師はオープンエンディドクエスチョンを用いて子ども達一人ひとりの豊かな考えを引き出す手伝いをします。
Teachers seek opinions unique to children by inspiring them with questions that do not have a single answer, encouragement, and narrative. Through our journal program, the teachers use open-ended questions to help students elicit their unique ideas and solutions through short dictations, descriptions, and drawings.
【リフレクション】 Reflection
Interviews will be conducted at the midpoint and end of the unit of inquiry to check the children’s level of understanding and to evaluate how they understood the course content. At the end of each unit of inquiry, the entire class will have a quiz to check the student’s understanding and reflect on the results.
Teachers will use one or more methods from the following to appropriate the program content to collaboratively analyze and evaluate the information gathered about student’s learning. When possible, the basis of evaluation uses children’s conversations, comments, descriptions, drawings, videos, and images.
【事例記録】 Anecdotal records
Case records are brief records based on student observations. Keeping records of the whole class, groups, and individuals can help teachers realize what students understand and misunderstand. These descriptions allow the teachers to see the level of proficiency continuously and know what stages the students are on. Therefore, utilizing and analyzing students’s reflections and case records of their learning can be an invaluable resource when planning the next phase of their study.
【模範例】 Exemplars
This will be a sample for the student’s work and serve as specific criteria when preparing multiple samples. By setting appropriate and definite standards in the school, the students can compare and consider their artwork, developing their understanding of the specific criteria.
【ルーブリック(評価指針表)】 Rubrics
Rubrics are a series of criteria tables established to evaluate the students learning. Each assessment item indicates what attributes or signs to look for in students’ work and how to rate that work on a predetermined scale.
【チェックリスト】 Checklists
The checklist provides specific indicators of information, data, and attributes or elements that show learning achievements. The students will chek this list themselves, and the teachers will check the student’s achievement. By students and teachers using the same check list will enable them to compare the differences in assessment, making it also useful for formative use.
【コンティニュアム(評価測定表)】プログレスレポート Continuums
The Continuum is a visual representation of the developmental stages of learning that is very useful for both students and teachers. It shows the progress of the student’s achievement and allows them to see where they are in the learning process.
The school will strive for the teachers and staff to share information on a daily basis in order to enhance the reliability and legitimacy of the assessment.
The learning unit is concluded with a class observation(exhibition) and presentation to show how individuals and groups have engaged in transdisciplinary inquiry. Students will explore the unit of study through their work on the essential elements: knowledge, understanding of concepts, ATL skills, attitudes, and action. Inquiries will lead students to develop their own understanding, expand their knowledge, and come to their own answers and conclusions. After reaching their conclusion they could have further discussions and present solutions to problems and issues in their daily lives and the world around them. The evaluation during the class observation is a summative assessment of each student’s work on the unit and their understanding of the content continuously.
The school shares information with parents through the IT Service System which is an application and the shared information is stored in the IT Service System as a portfolio.
【ポートフォリオ】 ポートフォリオは、学習における子供たちの取り組みを記録するもので、学びを通した活動の様子を保護者と共に確認し、成長した喜びを共有するためのものです。アイティーサービスの「連絡帳機能」を利用し、子ども達の学習の過程と成果を学習の証拠として示します。子供たちは、家庭で保護者と一緒にポートフォリオを確認し、自身の成長を振り返るための機会としても役立てます。
“Portfolio”: The portfolio is to record students’ work in learning and utilize it to review their activities through study with their parents and share the joy of their child’s growth. The “communication notebook function” of the IT Service shows the student’s learning process and achievements as evidence of their learning. It could also provide opportunities for the students to review their portfolios with their parents at home and reflect on their own growth.
“Newsletter”: The homeroom teachers for each class will provide newsletters including information on daily life at the school, learning units, learner profile, understanding of concepts, ATL skills with the “Letter” function of IT Service.
【レポート】 保護者への報告ツールとして、アイティーサービスシステムの「ホワイトボード機能」を利用し保護者へ共有します。各探求ユニットの中間報告として、学びの目的や様子を記載し報告するとともに、ユニットが終了した時点で学習の過程と成果をまとめ、ホワイトボード機能で報告します。これは、アイティーサービスシステム内にも保存されます。
The White Board function of the IT Service System is a reporting tool to share information with the parents. The purpose and status of the learning will be described and reported as an interim report for each unit of inquiry, and the learning process and results will be summarized and reported on the whiteboard at the end of each unit. The IT Service System will store this information.
ホームページでは、本校の IB の理念やカリキュラム、各学年の探究の授業を継続的に公開します。また、ブログを通して実践事例を取り上げ子ども達の様子や取り組み状況などを掲載していきます。
We will continuously publish our school’s IB philosophy, curriculum, and inquiry-based learning class at each grade level on our website. We will also post practice cases and how the students work on their activities on our blog.
・教師と生徒 ・教師と保護者 ・三者面談
There are three types of interviews.
・The teacher and student
・The teacher and parents
・The teacher, student, and parents
【生徒と教師】The teacher and student
Students and teachers will have an interview at the middle and end of each unit. Based on the results of the interviews, teachers provide feedback and feedforward to the students in class. Students will then reflect on their work and understanding to verify their learning and activity throughout the unit of inquiry.
Teachers will conduct self, formative, and summative assessments and utilize the information to review their written curriculum.
【保護者と教師】The teacher and parents
We will hold parent-teacher interviews twice a year. Teachers inform the parents of their children’s development from a daily life perspective and school programs from a learning perspective. Teachers will also ask parents how their children are doing at home and address any questions, concerns, or worries they may have. We will also support the parents to understand their role in the learning processes and facilitate their children’s development.
【三者面談】The teacher, student, and parents
In early November every year, we will hold a parent-teacher-student meeting. During this meeting, the students will explain to their parents and teachers what they have learned and understood from the unit while showing their work, such as portfolios and artwork displayed on the wall, and answering questions from the teacher. The parents and teachers will review the child’s explanation of the content and their ideas to check the good points and the problems they might have. Then, they will set a new goal for the next activity and help parents and teachers develop a common understanding of how they can work toward the student’s goals.
年に2回、4月と1月(年長児のみ)に、保護者を迎えた保護者会が行われます。4月には,保護者と一緒に IB(PYP)の教育理念,学習者像,セントラルアイデア,キーコンセプト,各教科とのつながり方についての理解を深めます。また、6月~7月と2月~3月の間には、授業参観兼保護者懇談会が開催され、それぞれの学期に実践された探求ユニットについて子ども達が発表し、当該ユニットについて保護者も理解しながら IBの教育と取組について共通理解を図ることができます。
In April and January, twice a year, a parent-teacher meeting is held for only the 3rd year students to deepen the parent’s understanding of the IB’s PYP educational philosophy, learner profile, central ideas, key concepts, and how they connect to each subject the students are learning. In addition, from June to July and February to March, class observations and parent-teacher group meetings are held, where the students present the practices of the units of inquiry each semester so the parents can gain a common understanding of the IB education and initiatives while also understanding the content of the applicable unit.
This assessment policy is reviewed every two years by the coordinator, administration, and teachers.
・学校法人 天周
The following school policies were referred to when developing the assessment policy.
・Tokyo Gakugei University Oizumi Elementary School
・School Institution Tenshu